Skin Envy Youth Serum : The method of application makes a big difference on how skin care products show results on the skin. Topical skin care products like creams, lotions and serums are a mixture of chemicals. While some chemicals are active ingredients, others are inactive ingredients that help protect the former and aid in their effective delivery. Generally the effectiveness of skin care products depends on two prime factors:While the first factor depends upon the ingredients of the skin care products, the second factor depends on how you apply your skin care products.Skin condition changes depending on a variety of factors including temperature, moisture in the body and other environmental factors. This in turn affects the skin’s natural ability to absorb topical chemicals. Here are some tips to apply skin care products that will promote better absorption of active ingredients.

It is very important to clean your skin before you apply skin care products, especially if you have applied anything else on your skin. Cleaning your skin will ensure there is no dirt or debris in the skin pores. Moreover, because the skin is moist, it will absorb the products in a better manner.However, do not wash your face with hot water. This is because excessive heat can promote skin aging and accelerate the process of premature aging. Make sure the water is tepid and does not burn your skin. Also, avoid long hot water shower because the hot water rips the skin of the natural moisture in your skin.If you are applying comedogenic skin care products (Skin care with acne forming tendencies), make sure you finish your face wash with cold water in order to close all the skin pores. Cold water shrinks the skin pores and makes them close.
The best time to apply skin care products is when the skin is moist. This is because active ingredients are able to penetrate better in dissolved states. When skin creams and lotions dry on the skin, their penetration levels reduce dramatically. After your have washed your skin, just pat it dry with a towel so that it’s not dripping wet but don’t wipe it dry. Apply the skin care product while your skin is still moist.Warm skin has open pores and is able to absorb active ingredients better. Before you apply your skin care products, make sure your skin is not cold. You can dip a towel in warm water and apply it on your skin to make it warm.The skin on your face is thinner and more fragile than the skin on the rest of your body. Therefore regular soaps that contain harsh chemicals might be too strong for the facial skin and leave it dry and irritated. Avoid using soaps while cleansing your face.

Use a mild cleanser like is Clinical Cleansing Complex by Innovative Skincare that deep cleans your skin and also controls acne. Though it is powerful it can be safely used by all skin types including sensitive skin. It cleans the skin efficiently without leaving it dry and the antioxidants in it eliminate the free radicals.The uppermost layer of the skin comprises of dead skin cells that accumulates over time. When this layer becomes too thick, the active ingredients of skin care products fail to penetrate it effectively. In a bid to scrape of dead skin cells and remove impurities from within the skin pores, The former can be used for oily skin while the latter caters to normal and dry skin.While applying skin care products on your skin, use short and firm strokes with your middle finger. Don’t stretch your skin or rub in the product. After the application of the product.tap the skin area gently for about half a minute to make sure it is fully absorbed by the skin.